About Us


To build the capacity of fresh fruits and vegetables value chain players to meet safety, quality and market requirements.


A sector that produces and sells safe and good quality fresh fruits & vegetables.


- Collaborative
- Accountable
- Sustainable.
- Inclusive

The Fresh Fruit and Vegetables (FFV) sector has had a number of business associations each with different membership and priorities, many of them have had very weak capacities, limited accountability mechanism and lack of professionalism. The lack of cohesion in the associations limits service offering and delivery to their members and also their ability to engage in structured policy advocacy with the government.

Further to the above, the horticulture sector in Uganda has continuously faced several challenges leading to an increasing number of interceptions of the country’s export consignments mainly in the European Union. This has greatly inhibited the country from optimally harnessing the immense opportunities that exist in the EU and other markets for the sector. To address these challenges, and prepare the country for a successful EU audit of the sector in late 2019, H.E the President assigned the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister to chair a Multi-Sectoral Committee. The Multi-Sectoral Committee successfully prepared the country for the audit, and made several other recommendations for the development of the Horticulture Sector. One of the recommendations is better institutional organization of the sector through, among others, having one Apex body for the sector to ease engagements with Government and development partners, private sector actors and promote self-regulation.

Against this background, in 2019 a number of eminent horticulture exporters got together to set up HortiFresh Association Uganda Limited (HortiFresh). Following several consultative meetings, that followed in the past 6 months they were able to bring on board the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industries and Fisheries (MAAIF), Ministry of Trade (MTIC) and Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development, MoFPED,  as well as the chairmen of the following Associations: Uganda Horticulture Exporters and Processors Association (UHEPA), Horticulture Organization for Promotion and Empowerment (HOPE), Federation of Associations of Uganda Exporters (FAUEX), Uganda Fruits and Vegetables Producers & Exporters Association (UFVEPA). Together, at meeting held on 31st July 2021, they signed a declaration.

The formation of HortiFresh will leverage the experience of the already existing associations to rejuvenate, grow and enhance the sector. Our intention is to energize the sector through collaboration, coordination with these associations for the good and development of the sector. We therefore encourage other Associations to join us (HortiFresh) as we advance this important agenda.

Given the urgent critical challenges facing the sector, we believe that the Fresh Fruits and Vegetables sector should join forces with an Apex Association which has the capacity to support exporters for the good of the sector.